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Chatbot Wasi supports and relieves


Use Case

The use case concerns the digitization of processes and answering of specific customer inquiries in social insurance topics.


Efficiency is increased by intercepting and answering the most frequent questions directly from the chatbot.


Wasi relieves customer service of many questions that would otherwise be received by phone and email and creates new capacity for more complex inquiries.

Under the umbrella of WAS Wirtschaft Arbeit Soziales (WAS Lucerne for short), WAS Ausgleichskasse Luzern functions as a business unit of the Social Insurance Center. Its tasks include checking applications for premium reductions and calculating and paying benefits.

Just like SVA Aargau, whose project we presented at the Wall of Bots, Ausgleichskasse Luzern was confronted with many questions about premium reduction via telephone and e-mail every year, which required a lot of resources. Enthused by the success of Maxi, the chatbot of SVA Aargau, WAS Luzern also decided to get digital support. This is how "Wasi", the lion-shaped bot, came into being.

He started in 2020 equipped with knowledge about premium reduction, wage contributions and EL reform and can answer all frequent standard inquiries about these areas, around the clock. This relieves the burden on employees, especially at peak times. In order to continue to reduce the complexity and variety of inquiries, the chatbot of WAS Luzern has been used for other exciting task areas since June 2022. For example, the bot will additionally help with questions regarding AHV contributions for students, unemployment compensation as well as inquiries from private employers (such as the hiring of domestic help).

WAS Luzern's chatbot is constantly being developed to provide website visitors with a reliable and fast source of information.

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