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Maxi reduces phone and email inquiries by 30%.


Use Case

Digitize and automate the premium reduction process


10% of premium reduction requests should be handled by the chatbot.


Maxi relieves employees of 30% of the telephone and email inquiries regarding premium reductions.

SVA Aargau is responsible for social insurance services for the canton of Aargau. This includes premium reductions, to which around 160,000 people in the canton of Aargau are entitled and for which new applications must be submitted each year. This led to a peak in the number of inquiries every year and sometimes overloaded the responsible employees. Together with the digital agency Previon Plus, it was therefore decided and planned to offer a chatbot that can take over this process automatically. 

This is how Chabot «Maxi» was born. Maxi exceeded all expectations in its first few months of operation, reducing the number of inquiries received by email and telephone by an impressive 30%, even though only a 10% reduction in staff workload was expected. In addition, it is very popular with its users: around 95% of its users state that Maxi was able to answer their query and that they had a positive experience with it. In the future, SVA Aargau wants to continue this successful project with aiaibot and also automate its email channel. 

In this podcast episode (German), Michel Guinot, Head of Premium Reduction, and Urs Wälchli, Member of the Executive Board, tell us more about Maxi and its creation process.

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The benefit for companies? We enable tomorrow's customer service today. Because we know how to do it. And because we deliver better results faster.