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Welcome to our press section!

Here we have compiled basic information about our company, press releases and suitable image material for you. 


Press releases


Press photos

Logo aiaibot



aiaibot CEO, Tom Buser


aiaibot CPO, Hans-Peter Uebersax


GPT Feature

aiaibot lanciert GPT Feature_Bild        aiaibot lanciert GPT Feature für smarte Chatbots_Bild

IT Support

Zukunft des IT Helpdesks_aiaibot Support Bot in Microsoft Teams


About aiaibot

aiaibot is a product of the Swiss company swiss moonshot AG, a subsidiary of POLYDATA Aktiengesellschaft, which was founded in 1969.

150 top brands in the Swiss economy successfully rely on aiaibot. The number of customer service calls and emails has been reduced by up to 30 percent as a result. Every year, 500,000 customer concerns are resolved by aiaibot. 95 percent of end customers are enthusiastic about aiaibot.

This experience makes aiaibot the leading Swiss solution provider for customer service automation and conversational AI. The benefit for companies? aiaibot enables tomorrow's customer service today.



If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Media contact

Vanessa Iozzo

Marketing Manager


Telefon: +41 79 799 40 79
